We are required to make reasonable enquiries about your financial situation, requirements and objectives, we need to confirm your financial situation and make a preliminary assessment as to whether the credit contract or consumer lease is not unsuitable for your situation.
A copy of this assessment is available to you.
Where does your money go and how much can you afford to borrow?
Controlling spending is one of the first steps towards creating a successful budget. We have provided you with a budget calculator for you to access your current commitments and your ability to afford to repay your loan and other commitments and avoid getting into hardship. We have also provided you a statement of position form. This is a balance sheet disclosing your assets and liabilities. This will give the lender a snap shot of your current financial situation. This allows you to be realistic on how much you can afford to borrow and how it can affect your cash flow on a week to week basis without compromising the lifestyle you wish to have.
Once you have established your monthly balance you need to be comfortable with what surplus money is left.
Our responsibility is then to make sure the loan is not unsuitable, if in our opinion we feel that there is a risk of hardship we can opt not to forward the application to the lender.
Be realistic and comfortable on what you can afford.